
Leadership Concern

山東省農機局領導來我公司視察指導工作 山東省理工大學各領導參觀我廠工作 省科技部領導來我公司視察指導工作 原樂陵市市長鄂宏達來我公司視察指導 山東省領導來我公司視察指導工作 中機美諾總經理杜永琪參觀我廠 中國農業大學的李洪文教授參觀我公司 希森集團董事長梁希森先生會見科技部領導
  • 2014-02-20 | Shandong Agricultural Machinery Bureau leadership to visit our company
  • 2014-05-15 | Shandong University of Science and Technology leadership to visit our factory work
  • 2015-04-14 | Provincial Ministry of Science and Technology leadership to visit our company
  • 2015-04-14 | the original Leling City Mayor E Hongda to my company inspection guidance
  • 2015-07-10 | Shandong Province leaders to visit our company to guide the work
  • 2015-12-15 | ZhongMei Mino General Manager Du Yongqi visit our factory
  • 2016-02-18 | Professor Li Hongwen of China Agricultural University visited my company
  • 2016-04-14 | XISEN Group Chairman Mr. Liang Xisen met with the leadership of the Ministry of science and technology


  • In 2012, the potato planting machine precision seeding system project won the national innovation fund;
  • In 2013, the new potato special planting machine production demonstration project won the Shandong Provincial Science and Technology Department results transformation funds;
  • In 2014, the research and development of the 2CM-4 potato planter won the city science and technology progress second prize;
  • 2015, the development of the 4UQ-165 potato harvester won the first prize of scientific and technological progress;
  • November 2015, won the sixth session of the agricultural machinery "fine farming cup" "users of the most favorite special harvest machinery top ten brands" title;





Name:Kevin Feng. Phone:+86 17686226667 (Whatsapp)
Address:Leling, Dezhou City, Shandong Province,China

EGYPT OFFICE (Middle East Area Service):

Name:Saied Afify. Phone:+2 01023822325
Address:Mansoura 35511, Egypt

Филиал в Казахстане:

Контактное лицо:Бейсебеков Алмаз Муратбекович
Телефон: +7 777 577 15 63, +7 778 908 43 11
Адрес: Республика Казахстан, город Нур-Султан, Коргалжинское шоссе 110
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